Monday, July 29, 2019

Wednesday's Supper & Guest

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This Wednesday evening at 6:30...

We have the special treat of a visit from missionary Ron Coody this Wednesday. We have long supported the Coodys and are always glad when we get to reconnect with them in person. 

Adults and youth will combine for this event. Bring finger food & such to share and we'll see you there!

Grace & peace,

Pastor Neil

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Monday, July 8, 2019

Wednesday's Dinner & Guests

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This Wednesday evening at 6:30...

We have the special treat of an unanticipated visit from missionaries Dave & Barbara Miller this Wednesday and they are bringing a Latin American guest with them. We have long supported the Millers and recently hosted them for our 2018 Faith Promise Missions weekend. 

Adults and youth will combine for this event. Bring some food to share and come hungry because we will also have a pot luck dinner and celebrate birthdays & anniversaries. And we all know July is the best month for birthdays and anniversaries ;)  

See you at the party,

Pastor Neil

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Thursday, July 4, 2019

Cypress Street Kids July

These emails help parents stay connected as key partners in our ministry's goal of helping our students grow strong in their faith! View this email in your browser
Cypress Street Kids in July
REMINDER: Our children have the opportunity to give offerings each Sunday. They also share their monthly memory verses in our worship services on first Sundays as often as possible!

Can kids really make wise choices? The answer is yes!

Kids may not make wise choices every time—most adults don't either—but they can grow in wisdom by learning a bit about where it comes from. Making wise choices isn't always easy, but it's important to know true wisdom comes only from God. In this four-part series, kids will read God's Word, learn from the role models He has placed in their lives, and ask Him when we need direction. (Hint: we always need it!)


James 1:5
If any of you need wisdom, ask God for it. He will give it to you.
The most important factor for your child's spiritual growth are their parents! Do family devotions at home that reinforce what your child is learning at church! 
The Family Plan for this series is:

The same great ministry that brings you and the Bible app on your mobile device also has a Bible App for Kids. Don't miss it!
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